Reunião Transnacional! Transnational meeting!


O projeto The LEARNITECT em ação!

Nos dias 03 e 04 de outubro de 2024, teve lugar a última reunião presencial do projeto The LEARNITECT, cofinanciado pela Comissão Europeia através do programa Erasmus+ (Acordo de subvenção: 2023-1-HU01-KA210-SCH-000152699), em Budapeste, Hungria. Este encontro foi enriquecido por visitas a duas escolas de renome: a Biatorbágy Innovative Technical School Secondary School (BIT) e a Deák Diák Primary and Secondary School.A nossa profunda gratidão vai para ambas as instituições pela calorosa receção e pela oportunidade de conhecer de perto o que de melhor a educação húngara tem para oferecer!

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The LEARNITECT project in action!

On October 3rd and 4th, 2024, the final in-person meeting of The LEARNITECT project, co-funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ program (Grant Agreement: 2023-1-HU01-KA210-SCH-000152699), took place in Budapest, Hungary. This gathering was enriched by visits to two renowned schools: Biatorbágy Innovative Technical School Secondary School (BIT) and Deák Diák Primary and Secondary School.Our deepest gratitude goes to both institutions for their warm welcome and for giving us the opportunity to experience the best of Hungarian education!