Reunião Online! Online Meeting!
No passado dia quatro de agosto de 2022, os parceiros do consorcio do projeto "STEam methodology for heALTHhy nutrition awareness - Food as cultural Heritage" reuniram-se para mais uma reunião online do projeto, com o obrjetivo de definir os objetivos dos próximos meses, definindo o plano de trabalhos assim bem como o plano de dessiminiação. Esta reunião contou com a participação dos seguintes parceiros: Indicia, European Center of Entrepreneurship Competence & Excellence, Sukromna zakladna skola Felix , Hellenic Education Society of STEM e claro, contou ainda com a participação da Previform - Laboratório, Formação, Higiene e Segurança do Trabalho, Lda.Continue a seguir-nos para mais atualizações do projeto!
On the 4th of August 2022, the partners of the consortium of the project "STEam methodology for heALTHhy nutrition awareness - Food as cultural Heritage" met for another online meeting of the project, with the aim of defining the objectives for the coming months, defining the work plan as well as the desiminization plan. This meeting was attended by the following partners: Indicia, European Center of Entrepreneurship Competence & Excellence, Sukromna zakladna skola Felix, Hellenic Education Society of STEM and of course, it also had the participation of Previform - Laboratory, Training, Hygiene and Safety at Work , Ltd.Keep following us for more project updates!